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This is a long-overdue issue, and we are glad to finally bring it out during this difficult time and in this unfamiliar world, a world that is unfortunately worn and torn by the virus and silly politics. In this issue, we again feature voices from around the world while having some focuses on Irish and Spanish writings, and we are happy that The Hong Kong Review is still the place where these voices can be brought together. We would like to say thank you to all the contributors: Anne Pasero, Antonio Aguilar Rodríquez, Bruce Meyer, Chan Hin Io, Ciaran O’Driscoll, Clara Janés, David Joseph, Diarmuid Johnson, Frederick Seidel, Gonzalo Gómez Montoro, Hayden Murphy, Hipólito García Fernández, Javier Reverte, Jim Burke, Jo Slade, John Liddy, Joseph Mills, Juan Nicolás Padrón, Knute Skinner, Liam Liddy, Louis Bourne, Luis Ingelmo, María Ángeles Maeso, Mark Whelan, Michael Curtin, Mícheál Ó Catháin, Mingjin Zhang, Nancy Zafris, Nicolas D. Sampson, Pablo Luque, Patrick Early, Ron Carey, Séamus Mac Aogáin, Seán Ó Ríordáin, Seán Walsh, Shawnte Orion, and Zachary Payne. 


And we would like to dedicate this issue to the memory of those who are taken by the virus and to everyone who is wading through this mire of human history! 

The Hong Kong Review, Vol II, No.2

SKU: 006

    The Hong Kong Review is an international journal of literature, culture and the arts. It is based in Hong Kong and Tianjin.


    2306 Prosper Commercial Building, 9 Yin Chong Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    2-4, Chengxiang Mansion, Nankai District, Tianjin

    902 Baolong Center, Siming District, Xiamen


    ALL CONTENTS © 2018-2025 The Hong Kong Review @ MCE (Hong Kong). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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